Well we did it, New Canadian Stories writing family! We finally picked up copies of our very first issue from the printer in Mississauga, how exciting is that?

! A big shout out to Master Web Printing, they did an excellent job, the magazine looks amazing! We are starting to mail it out to all our subscribers, please watch for it in the mail!
We are featuring some very talented writers including Fiarra Ember Nixon, who was a previous contributor to The Canadian Stories Magazine. We also have Peter Joyce, another Canadian Stories veteran writer. Check out a thoughtful tribute to Ed titled, Janzen and Crew, by Henry Stronks. There's so much more in this issue, including our Writer's Spotlight which features photos and short bios of some of our writers so you can get to know them better, starting on page 32.
Thank you to all of you who supported us and continue to support us with your writing submissions and your subscriptions to the magazine. We are so happy to continue Ed Janzen's legacy, and we are so looking forward to the Fall issue!
Save over %15 with an e-transfer! We are accepting e-transfers of $32 for a 1 year subscription (3 issues), please send it to info@theboostermagazine.com. Don't forget to email us your street address so we can send your copy out to you as soon as possible. We are also accepting credit cards through this website at $37.99 for a 1 year subscription. Please tell others about the magazine, and get the word out about our tight-knit writing community, and let's grow!
The future is exciting, we can't wait to publish the Fall issue, good luck to everyone on their writing endeavours!
Best Regards,
Nancy Waddell