The New Canadian Stories is a seasonal literary magazine featuring Canadian stories by writers all across Canada. We are a community, telling our stories through poetry, flash fiction, narratives, photo essays, personal stories and more. Subscribe today by credit card and for $52, get 4 issues of The 2025 New Canadian Stories Magazine delivered to your mailbox. The Christmas issue is now online -- click the Shop tab to purchase access to our most beautiful issue yet! Are you a writer? Submit your writing here and join our community! Sign up for our free email newsletter, and never miss an update!

The New Canadian Stories is a literary magazine written by or about Canadians. You are invited to subscribe to the magazine and join The New Canadian Stories Family, simply hit "Subscribe Now" to receive the print magazine delivered straight to your mailbox! Delivery is free! You may also purchase issues individually. We are currently accepting submissions of flash fiction, personal experiences, poetry and photo essays. Please refer to our Guidelines and send in your submissions and any questions to Don't forget to sign up for our free email newsletter below and keep updated!
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